Start Command

The start command is the most feature-rich and launches servers as background processes. dependencies are installed on-demand at run-time (see next):

General usage:

> electrumsv-sdk start --id=<unique_id> <component_name>

all -- prefixed flags like --id, --new, --repo, --inline, --background, --new-terminal are optional but if used, must preceed the component_name.


run node + simple_indexer + reference_server + electrumsv:

> electrumsv-sdk start node
> electrumsv-sdk start simple_indexer
> electrumsv-sdk start reference_server
> electrumsv-sdk start electrumsv

By default, this will launch the servers with the –new-terminal flag (spawning a new console window showing stdout/logging output).

run new instances:

> electrumsv-sdk start --new node

run new instances with user-defined –id:

> electrumsv-sdk start --new --id=mynode2 node

specify --repo as a local path or remote git url for each component type:

> electrumsv-sdk start --repo=G:\electrumsv electrumsv

specify --branch as either “master” or “features/my-feature-branch”

NOTE1: The sdk tool only handles a single component_type at a time (i.e. for the start, stop, reset commands). NOTE2: The “optional arguments” above come before specifying the component_type e.g:

> electrumsv-sdk start --new --id=myspecialnode node

This reserves the capability for arguments to the right hand side of the component_type to be fed to the component’s underlying commandline interface (if one exists) - this is currently only supported for the electrumsv builtin component:

> electrumsv-sdk start --branch=master electrumsv

Run inline

To run the server in the current shell (and block until exit or Ctrl + C interrupt):

> electrumsv-sdk start --inline <component name>

To run the server in the background:

> electrumsv-sdk start --background <component name>

To run the server in a new terminal window (this is the default if no modifier flag is specified):

> electrumsv-sdk start --new-terminal <component name>