
Automates the running of the ElectrumSV wallet in ‘daemon mode’ with the example REST API ‘dapp’ (daemon app) loaded and accessible on localhost (functions like a plugin).

REST API documentation is available here: https://electrumsv.readthedocs.io/en/sv-1.3.11/building-on-electrumsv/rest-api.html

Depends on these components:

  • node

  • simple_indexer

  • reference_server

So start these components first.

To run in daemon mode do:

# In a new terminal window
electrumsv-sdk start electrumsv


# Print to current shell
electrumsv-sdk start --inline electrumsv


# As a background process (required for CI/CD or a headless server)
electrumsv-sdk start --background electrumsv

You can also run the ElectrumSV GUI in RegTest mode via:

# In a new terminal window
electrumsv-sdk start --gui electrumsv


# Print to current shell
electrumsv-sdk start --gui --inline electrumsv


# As a background process (required for CI/CD or a headless server)
electrumsv-sdk start --gui --background electrumsv

For testnet run any of the same commands above but including the --testnet flag:

electrumsv-sdk start --gui --testnet electrumsv